Sunday, April 13, 2014

#EduRead - Trial Run - April 16, 2014

#EduRead will officially start on April 23, but since the book chat for Powerful Problem Solving (#ppschat) wrapped up a week early, we are doing a trial run this Wednesday, April 16, 2014 at 8pm Central.

This Week's Article:
This week we will be reading the article 'Advanced Math? Write!' from the November 2002 edition of Educational Leadership. The theme of the magazine was Reading and Writing in the Content Areas and this article presents an easy to implement way to encourage writing in the math classroom.

Archive of the Chat
Weren't able to make it to the chat? Need to refresh your memory on that great idea mentioned during #eduread? Check out the Storify of tonight's chat.... Click here!

About #EduRead
If you would like to submit an article to be read, please click here!

How it works:
1. Each week, we will post an article to be read here on the blog and publicize it on twitter using the hashtag #EduRead

2. We will have a weekly chat to discuss the article on Wednesday nights at 8pm Central.

3. If you choose, during that week, feel free to publish a blog post reflecting on the article or how you applied it to the classroom.

4. If you blog about the article, please post a link to your blog post in the comments section here so that we have an archive of blog posts relating to that week's article.


  1. I'm looking forward to this chat! I found "Advanced Math? Write!" interesting. I was challenged by the article to engage my students in journaling but I have concerns. I blogged about writing here:

  2. Tonight's chat was great fun! Can't wait to try some of the ideas shared!

  3. I am so glad to have stumbled on this! I have seen parts of chats threads and always wondered how they got the prompts! This is a topic that is close to my heart and have wanted to figure out how to do this better! Thank you!

  4. A bit of reflection on this week's EduRead article...

  5. Writing in math is something that I believe strongly in...but because I haven't been trained to teach/use writing strategies in the classroom-finding good reading materials is where I need to get my information. This was such a great idea...and a really great article and topic to kick this off! Here is another idea that could be implemented rather easily:

